Saturday, May 4, 2013

Family Fun - Week 15

Our New Year's resolution was to do at least one family activity or outing, just the five of us, every week this year. This is week 15 of family fun.

Fiacra wasn't feeling great today so we were looking for something fairly low-key to do. We have never gone bowling as a family so that seemed like a good choice for this week's family fun. We went to the Waterloo Bowling Lanes, which has lanes with bumpers so that the kids don't get non-stop gutter balls. Unfortunately, we were only able to get a lane with bumpers for the first half, and then had to change to a regular lane. So we all enjoyed the first half and four of us enjoyed the second half.

Fiacra got increasingly frustrated and upset with each gutter ball, and even his good bowls didn't cheer him up. As we were leaving, Connell and I said that this was actually a good reminder of how much Fiacra has matured because this kind of thing used to happen ALL the time, kind of ironic really!

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